Pesticide Products
The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) regulates all pesticides sold within the State of Georgia. We make sure that businesses and home gardeners get pesticides that comply with quality standards and are labeled correctly.
About this Program
The Pesticide Program enforces state and federal laws on the use and application of pesticides. We:
Register all pesticides for sale and distribution in Georgia and inspect their producers;
Inspect dealers of restricted use pesticides (RUPs);
- Coordinate a pesticide container recycling program and waste pesticide collection program.
This Pesticide Products page describes the registration of pesticides and the licensing of RUP dealers. For information on applicator and contractor requirements, see our Agricultural Pest Control page.
Registered Pesticides
RUP Dealers
You need an RUP Dealer License if you are an individual or company that is engaged in the business of dealing restricted use pesticides within the State of Georgia.
Search for Licensed RUP Dealers
If you are a licensed Restricted Use Pesticide Dealer, you must keep a record of sales of all restricted use pesticides. You must store these records for at least two years and must have them readily available for inspectors to review.
- These records must include:
- Name of certified private or commercial applicator by whom purchased.
- Certified applicator's State Certification or license number.
- Date of purchase.
- Brand name or tradename of restricted use pesticide purchased.
- Quantity purchased.
You can use this RUP Dealer Recordkeeping Form to keep track of your RUP sales. You can also use invoices, billing tickets, or delivery tickets as long as they have all of the information listed above.
Pesticide Disposal
Do you have old pesticides or empty pesticide containers? Don't just throw them out with the trash! Do your part to help keep Georgia safe.
The Georgia Department of Agriculture sponsors a Clean Day program that can help you with this. See our page on Pesticide Waste Disposal & Container Recycling for details.
Licenses & Registrations
Licenses and Registrations
Licenses and Registrations
Laws & Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Contact Us
Nick Sumner
Pesticide Program Manager
nicholas.sumner@agr.georgia.gov (404) 656-4958 -
Chris Whatley
Pesticide Product Registration Assistant
pest.products@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-4958