2024 Exhibitor Application
Application for booth space in the Georgia Grown Building at the 2024 Georgia National Fair.
Application Deadline: May 31, 2024
The Georgia Grown Building at the Georgia National Fair is dedicated to showcasing Georgia's #1 industry: agriculture. Exhibitors interested in purchasing booth space have the option of exhibiting as an educational booth or a product booth.
Date & Location
October 3-13, 2024, Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter, 401 Larry Walker Parkway, Perry, GA 31069
Booth space varies in cost by size. All booths are in an enclosed building with concrete flooring and climate controlled. Booths include one (1) 8 ft. table and two (2) chairs, and one (1) 110v electrical outlet. Up to four (4) Exhibitor badges will be issued for gate entry. A deposit will not be accepted with the application.
Exhibitor Responsibilities
Exhibitors in the Georgia Grown Building must be paid Georgia Grown members in good standing. For food product companies, exhibitors must be in good standing with appropriate food safety certifications from the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Exhibitors are required to collect and report their own sales taxes. No alcohol sales are allowed. Booth location will be assigned by event staff with every effort made to separate similar products. Booth space must be occupied at all times during Georgia Grown Building hours. Building hours are 10:00 AM until 9:00 PM with the exception of opening day, hours are 3:00 PM until 9:00 PM. No early break down is allowed. The Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter requires an Insurance Verification with combined liability limits of at least $1,000,000. An $85 fee will be charged for insurance if you will not be providing your own.
Building security will be provided by the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter daily from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM. After 9:00 PM, buildings will be secured, and no one will be allowed entry until one hour before opening the next day.